PERC is pleased to present several training resources in Spanish related to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS). The Worker Protection Standard is a regulation that protects agricultural workers and pesticide handlers from unnecessary pesticide risks. It was passed in 1992 and revised in 2015. You can find more resources here.

View this page in Spanish.


Cómo Cumplir con la Ley de Protección al Trabajador para Pesticidas Agrícolas

This manual includes details to help you determine if the WPS requirements apply to you and information on how to comply with the WPS requirements, including exemptions, exceptions, restrictions, options, and examples.

La Guía de Referencia Rápida de Cómo Cumplir con el WPS

This two-pager summarizes all of the requirements under the revised WPS. This is what employers need to know! To learn more about compliance with the WPS, refer to the "How to Comply manual" or the regulations indicated in the guide for complete details.

Ley Nacional de Protección al Trabajador: Manual para Capacitadores

This manual is a reference guide for WPS trainers. It contains basic information about the WPS and includes lists of training topics, answers to difficult training questions, training preparation tips and ideas for effective teaching techniques.

image of the train-the-trainer manual

Manual de la Ley de Protección al Trabajador Agrícola para Empleadores Agrícolas

This is a 17-page handbook in Spanish for agricultural employers. The small booklet answers frequently-asked questions, serving as a summary of WPS requirements on farms, nurseries, orchards, vineyards, and other agricultural settings (575 KB, 17 pp).

image of the ag employer handbook

Guía de Protección Respiratoria de la Ley de Protección al Trabajador (WPS): Requisitos para Empleadores de Manipuladores de Pesticidas

This guide explains the new requirements for agricultural employers and pesticide handlers when pesticide labels require the use of a respirator.

image of the respirator guide


These training materials have been approved by EPA for training agricultural workers, pesticide handlers, and their trainers under the WPS, as it was revised in 2015.

ppt for training workers-spanish

Capacitación para trabajadores agrícolas

This is an EPA-approved presentation for training workers in 2017, 2018, and beyond, from PERC (EPA Worker PST 00017). Trainers must be qualified, most often by holding a pesticide applicator's license or by completing an EPA-approved Train-the-Trainer course. (.pptx - 19.5 MB)

ppt for training handlers-spanish

Capacitación para manipuladores de pesticidas

This is an EPA-approved presentation for training handlers in 2017, 2018, and beyond, from PERC (EPA Handler PST 00018). Trainers must be qualified, most often by holding a pesticide applicator's license or by completing an EPA-approved Train-the-Trainer course. (.pptx - 45.6 MB)

ppt for training trainers-spanish

Un plan de estudios para la entrega en persona de un curso de capacitación de capacitadores

This is an EPA-approved presentation for training WPS trainers (of workers and handlers) in 2017, 2018, and beyond, from PERC (EPA WPS TTT W/H 00026). There are no required qualifications to deliver this course and a manual for trainers is available. (.pptx - 53 MB)

new central posting poster


These posters were designed to satisfy a new requirement under the WPS. Pesticide safety posters were required in the past, but now, they are required to include new information about preventing pesticide impacts on farmworker families.

  1. Protéjase de los Pesticidas - English/Spanish small (11x17)
  2. Protéjase de los Pesticidas - English/Spanish large (22x34)
  3. Protéjase de los Pesticidas - Spanish small (11x17)
  4. Protéjase de los Pesticidas - Spanish large (22x34)

Purchase printed copies here.

Flip Chart

flip chart-AFOP

Protéjase de los Pesticidas...Capacitación en seguridad de pesticidas para trabajadores agrícolas

Developed by the Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs in 2018, this is a bilingual (English/Spanish) flipchart used for training agricultural workers (EPA Worker PST 0009). The EPA has approved this material for training agricultural workers on pesticide safety in accordance with the 2015 WPS (40 CR 170). The 44-page laminated flipchart can be used indoors or outdoors in small groups. The hard copies are only available from NPSEC at this time.


Ley de Protección al Trabajador (WPS) para Trabajadores Agrícolas

This is an EPA-approved video (28 minutes) for training workers in 2018 and beyond, from PERC. This is the Spanish version on YouTube. (EPA Worker PST 00028).

Ley de Protección al Trabajador (WPS) para Manipuladores de Pesticidas

This is an EPA-approved video (51 minutes) for training handlers in 2018 and beyond, from PERC.This is the Spanish version on YouTube. (EPA Handler PST 00031).

Seguridad en el Huerto: Comprender y Aplicar El Estándar de Proteccion al Trabajador

This is an EPA-approved video (57 minutes) for training handlers in 2018 and beyond, from Penn State. This is the Spanish version on YouTube. (EPA Handler PST 00027).

Seguridad en el Invernadero: Comprender y Aplicar El Estándar de Proteccion al Trabajador

This is an EPA-approved video (56 minutes) for training handlers in 2018 and beyond, from Penn State. This is the Spanish version on YouTube. (EPA Handler PST 00027).

Seguridad en el Huerto: Comprender y Aplicar El Estándar de Proteccion al Trabajador

This is an EPA-approved video (26 minutes) for training workers in 2018 and beyond, from Penn State. This is the Spanish version on YouTube. (EPA Worker PST 00026).

Seguridad en el Invernadero: Comprender y Aplicar El Estándar de Proteccion al Trabajador

This is an EPA-approved video (26 minutes) for training workers in 2018 and beyond, from Penn State. This is the Spanish version on YouTube. (EPA Worker PST 00026).

Seguridad con pesticidas para trabajadores agrícolas

This is an EPA-approved video for training workers in 2017, 2018, and beyond, from WSDA. This is the Spanish version without closed-captioning. Click here to download the mp4. (EPA Worker PST 00001)

Seguridad con pesticidas para trabajadores agrícolas (Subtitulado)

This is an EPA-approved video for training workers in 2017, 2018, and beyond, from WSDA. This is the Spanish version with closed-captioning. Click here to download the mp4. (EPA Worker PST 00001)

Pesticidas en la industria forestal, una guía para trabajadores para las prácticas seguras

This is an EPA-approved video for training forestry workers in 2017, 2018, and beyond, from ODA and OR-OSHA. This is the Spanish version without closed-captioning. Click here to download the mp4. (EPA Worker PST 00003)

Pesticidas en la industria forestal, una guía para trabajadores para las prácticas seguras (Subtitulado)

This is an EPA-approved video for training forestry workers in 2017, 2018, and beyond, from ODA and OR-OSHA. This is the Spanish version with closed-captioning. Click here to download the mp4. (EPA Worker PST 00003)

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