This guide addresses training requirements for both agricultural employers and commercial pesticide handler employers (CPHE) under the 2015 revised Worker Protection Standard (WPS).
Agricultural workers and pesticide handlers need WPS training annually if they will be working in treated areas on an agricultural establishment, and their activities are directly related to agricultural production. This applies to areas where a WPS-labeled pesticide has been used on an agricultural establishment within the last 30 days, or a restricted-entry interval (REI) has been in effect. Currently certified pesticide applicators and certified crop advisors are exempt from WPS worker and handler training. Any worker who has been trained as a handler does not need to receive worker training.
Is WPS training needed? What employers need to know
Does the WPS apply to my operation?
Family Exemption to the Worker Protection Standard
What are my responsibilities under the WPS, as a trainer of workers?
What are my responsibilities under the WPS, as a trainer of handlers?
Agricultural workers and pesticide handlers must be trained before they begin worker/handler tasks in treated areas. The training must be delivered every 12 months (annually), counting from the end of the month in which the previous training was completed.
WPS training materials that have been approved by EPA will bear an EPA approval number and an EPA statement of approval for use in WPS training. This approval number or publication number must be recorded on the training record.
There are EPA-approved videos and presentations, in English and Spanish. Browse for what you need here.
Agricultural employers must keep training records for two years, for every worker/handler that performs applicable tasks on the agricultural establishment. Commercial pesticide handler employers must keep training records for two years for each handler they employ.
The training record must include:
If a worker or handler asks for a copy of his or her WPS training record, it must be provided in writing. There is no standard form or training card available from the EPA. Ask your state if there is an official training record/template available in your state.
The new WPS added training topics about the risk of pesticide exposure to children and pregnant women. Trained workers and handlers will know more about how to avoid bringing pesticide residues home with them, and how to build a routine that reduces their own exposures.
After the new law goes into effect: