The Application Exclusion Zone (AEZ) is an addition to the updated 2015 Worker Protection Standard (WPS). Its intent is to protect agricultural workers and bystanders from potential exposure to pesticides from nearby applications. The AEZ is the area surrounding a pesticide applicator and the application equipment on an agricultural establishment that workers and other people are not allowed to enter. AEZ requirements only apply during an application and may extend beyond property lines.
January 2, 2017 — Agricultural employers must ensure that people do not enter or stay in the AEZ within establishment boundaries.
January 2, 2018 — Handlers must suspend applications when people are in the AEZ, on or off the establishment.
Depending on application type, the size of the AEZ can range from 0 to 100 feet in all directions around the application equipment. Reference the table below for detailed guidance.
Cat. | Application Type | Spray Height | Distance Requirement |
1 |
Any | At least 100 feet in all directions |
2 |
Greater than 12 inches | At least 25 feet in all directions |
3 | Any other application type not described in rows 1 and 2 | – – | No AEZ required |
Employers must keep workers and other persons out of the AEZ and treated areas during pesticide applications. Employers can do this by complying with the notification requirements, which will ensure workers know of all applications-in-progress, and entry restrictions that apply to their activities. In addition, employers should schedule worker tasks to ensure they are well away from pesticide applications, and ensure good communication between the supervisors of applicators and the supervisors of workers.
Applicators must suspend any application if anyone enters the AEZ, other than a trained and equipped handler(s) involved with the application.
Application Exclusion Zone Guide
Application Exclusion Zone Infographic