In several states and tribal lands, a certified pesticide applicator may supervise one or more noncertified individuals performing application activities. Some of those states and tribes allow noncertified applicators to use Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs), which are highly toxic to people, wildlife and/or the environment. The Certification & Training Rule for pesticide applicators was revised in 2017 (40 CFR Part 171), and will go into effect in between 2022 and 2024, depending on your local jurisdiction. This collection is a resource for trainers throughout the United States.
For the first time, training is required for noncertified applicators of RUPs. This training must be performed before the application activities begin, and employers must keep records of the training dates and details.
For the first time, there is a minimum age for pesticide applicators, certified or not. Anyone seeking a license or using RUPs under the direct supervision of a certified applicator must be 18 years old. The minimum age is 16 when the applicator is supervised by a certified family member on a farm.
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This training video meets the annual training requirement for noncertified applicators of RUPs working under the direct supervision of certified applicators. Examples of sites include wildland, urban areas, wood treatment facilities, structures, commodities, landscapes, rights of ways, golf courses, and others
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Este video cumple con los requisitos de capacitación para aplicadores no certificados que usan pesticidas de uso restringido bajo supervisión directa de un aplicador certificado en lugares no agrícolas. Ejemplos de lugares no agrícolas incluyen áreas silvestres, áreas urbanas, instalaciones para tratamiento de madera, estructuras, mercancías, paisajes naturales, áreas de derecho al paso, campos de golf y otros.
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This flip chart provides trainers with a tool to utilize during their training sessions with noncertified applicators of RUPs who work under the direct supervision of certified applicators.
This presentation provides trainers with a presentation resource, containing all of the information needed for training the noncertified applicators of RUPs working under the direct supervision of certified applicators.
A 2-page document highlighting the training points for the above resources. This supplement may accompany the video, presentation, and flipchart. Available in English and Spanish.
Contact for more information.