Twitter Social Media Toolkit

Protecting Farmworkers from Pesticide Exposure

Promote worker safety with us!

Use any of the images to inform farmworkers and their families about practices that reduce the risk of pesticide exposure.

  • What is it? It’s a collection of 17 images for posting on Twitter
  • Available in English and Spanish (34 images total)
  • They feature safety messages for farmworkers and their families
  • This is a great time of year to remind workers about minimizing pesticide exposure

Download all Twitter images (20.7 MB zip)

(Images for Facebook and Instagram are also available)

  • Download the collection to share on Twitter - anywhere you can share an image online.
  • Create a campaign that builds over time, sharing one or more images per day.
  • Ask your networks to share their experiences about reducing pesticide exposure.
  • Post the short link in the text below each image in order to make it clickable.
  • You could customize the post with your own text, and link to your organization!
  • Tag workers and employers in agriculture, forestry, and nurseries.
  • Add #campesino #farmworker

You may view/download individual high-resolution images from the collection by clicking on any of the thumbnails below.

Series 1: Protect yourself and your family from pesticide exposure when you get home

Wash your work clothes separately from your family's clothes.

Lave la ropa de trabajo separada de la ropa de su familia.

Bathe with soap and shampoo to wash away any pesticide residue.

Dúchese con jabón y champú para remover los residuos de pesticidas.

Wash up first before you hug or pick up your children. You may have pesticide residue on your clothes or skin after working.

Lávese primero antes de abrazar o cargar a sus hijos. Es posible que tenga residuos de pesticidas en su ropa o piel después de trabajar.

Leave work boots outside and remove clothing at the door.

Deje las botas de trabajo afuera y quítese la ropa en la puerta.

Series 2: Protect yourself and your family from pesticide exposure.

Avoid areas outside where pesticides are being sprayed or applied.

Evite las áreas al aire libre donde se rocían o aplican pesticidas.

Never put a pesticide in a beverage container. Someone might drink it and become ill or even die.

Nunca ponga un pesticida en un recipiente de bebidas. Alguien podría beberlo y enfermarse o incluso morir.

Pesticides are found in home products that we use to kill germs, insects, weeds, and rodents. Keep these home products out of reach of children.

Los pesticidas se encuentran en productos caseros que usamos para matar microbios, insectos, malezas y roedores. Mantenga estos productos caseros fuera del alcance de los niños.

Series 3: Some people are more sensitive to pesticides.

Be especially careful to protect family members who may be more sensitive to the toxic effects of pesticides, such as children and pregnant people.

Tenga especial cuidado de proteger a los miembros de la familia que puedan ser más sensibles a los efectos tóxicos de los pesticidas, como los niños y las mujeres embarazadas.

Exposure to pesticides can cause serious harm for babies in the womb. Prevent exposure by washing up first thing when you get home.

La exposición a pesticidas puede causar daños serios a bebes en el útero. Evite la exposición al lavarse inmediatamente al llegar a su casa.

Keep children away from farm water and soil, which may contain pesticides.

Mantenga a los niños alejados del agua y la tierra de la granja. Éstos pueden contener pesticidas.

Series 4: Protect yourself from pesticides at work.

Wash your hands with soap and water before eating or drinking. Eat in a place not treated with pesticides.

Lávese las manos con agua y jabón antes de comer o beber. Coma en un lugar que no haya sido tratado con pesticidas.

Check for pesticide application information posted at the field to find out whether it is safe to enter. You cannot see whether a field has pesticide residue.

Verifique la información sobre la aplicación de pesticidas publicada en el campo para saber si es seguro ingresar. Usted no puede ver si hay residuos de pesticidas en el campo.

Wear protective gear in the field to protect your skin.

Use la ropa que le proporcione la mayor protección a su piel cuando trabaje en el campo.

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water to protect against both pesticide exposure and viruses.

Lávese las manos regularmente con agua y jabón para protegerse de una exposición a pesticidas y virus.

Farmworkers or their designated representative can request pesticide application and hazard information from their employer.

Los trabajadores agrícolas, o su representante designado, pueden solicitarle al empleador información sobre la aplicación de pesticidas e información sobre los peligros de los pesticidas.

Series 5: Seeking Medical Attention

Symptoms of pesticide exposure or poisoning include skin rashes, chills, headaches, nausea, and weakness. Seek medical attention if you may have been exposed to pesticides.

Los síntomas de una exposición a pesticidas o envenenamiento incluyen erupciones en la piel, escalofríos, dolores de cabeza, náuseas y debilidad. Busque atención médica si pudo haber estado expuesto a pesticidas.

Recognize pesticide exposure symptoms in other farmworkers to help them know when to seek medical attention. Watch for skin irritation, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and other signs they aren’t feeling well.

Reconozca los síntomas de exposición a pesticidas en otros trabajadores agrícolas para ayudarlos a saber cuándo buscar atención médica. Esté atento a la irritación de la piel, fatiga, náuseas, vómitos y otras señales de que la persona no se siente bien.

This kit was produced with support from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative (Cooperative Agreement #X8-83616301), and the Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs (Cooperative Agreement #X8-83237601). The text was reviewed for accuracy by EPA personnel, but it does not necessarily reflect the views of the EPA. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Contributors include:

Kaci Buhl, Oregon State University
Lauren Dana, Legal Aid Chicago
Melanie Forti, Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs
Carmina Hanson, North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
Chris Hedstrom, Oregon State University
Catherine LePrevost, North Carolina State University

Regulatory Guidance

Browse brief guides about protections for workers and handlers, the AEZ, posting, PPE, exemptions, training, respirators, and more, in English and Spanish.

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