Designated Representative


CFR §170.305: A designated representative is defined as any persons designated in writing by a worker or handler to exercise a right of access on behalf of the worker or handler to request and obtain a copy of the pesticide application and hazard information required by 170.309(h)* in accordance with 170.311(b)**.

*170.309(h): Display, maintain, and provide access to pesticide safety information and pesticide application and hazard information in accordance with 170.311*** if workers or handlers are on the establishment and within the last 30 days a pesticide product has been used or a restricted-entry interval for such pesticide has been in effect on the establishment.

**170.311(b): Keeping and displaying pesticide application and hazard information. Whenever pesticide safety information and pesticide application and hazard information is required to be provided under 170.309(h), pesticide application and hazard information for any pesticides that are used on the agricultural establishment must be displayed, retained, and made accessible in accordance with this paragraph.

***170.311: Display requirements for pesticide safety information and pesticide application and hazard information.

Regulatory Guidance

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