Role: Agricultural Employers
What are my responsibilities for highly toxic pesticides?
July 27th, 2023
Highly Toxic Pesticides Some of the most highly toxic pesticides are marked with a skull-and- crossbones symbol on the front label. It is required for products classified “highly toxic” for short-term exposures by mouth, skin, or lungs. It is also required when unlisted ingredients like methanol are present, which is known to cause blindness. Your […]
How do I comply with WPS when working with an aerial applicator?
July 27th, 2023
Learn more: Posting Warning Signs Application Exclusion Zone Guide
How do I comply with WPS when working with a commercial pesticide handler employer?
July 27th, 2023
This FAQ addresses the WPS requirements for agricultural employers when they hire a commercial pesticide handler employer (CPHE) (e.g., custom applicators) to make pesticide applications on their agricultural establishment. There are additional responsibilities for WPS compliance for agricultural employers who employ their own workers and handlers. Information You Must Provide the Commercial Pesticide Handler Employer […]
How do I comply with WPS when working with labor contractors?
July 27th, 2023
What if I use a labor contractor, and ask the workers to handle pesticides? If the applications are supervised by the labor contractor, with their equipment and PPE, then the labor contractor is considered a “Commercial Pesticide Handler Employer” or CPHE. The CPHE would be responsible for protecting their handlers, with distinct responsibilities under the WPS. This fact sheet describes that relationship, and the […]
What are my responsibilities as an agricultural employer?
July 27th, 2023
Duties for all Employers Additional Duties for Employers of Workers Additional Duties for Employers of Handlers Exemptions for Immediate Family Members of Establishment-Owners Agricultural employers must comply with a variety of requirements for worker and handler training and safety. Even if supervisors interact directly with workers or handlers, employers are responsible for providing necessary information and ensuring proper use of pesticides, among […]
Summary about WPS Ventilation Criteria
July 27th, 2023
Fact sheet: Allowed Activities in a Treated Area during the REI
July 27th, 2023
Updated WPS Posters for "Central Posting" Areas and Certain Decontamination Sites
July 19th, 2023
Purchase printed copies of the posters from NPSEC The new poster may be printed and distributed. There are several languages available: English Spanish Chinese Haitian-Creole Ilocano Karen Russian Tagalog Vietnamese PERC is collaborating with the National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) to promote the sale of printed posters to help support pesticide safety education nationally. […]