Coming Soon: Updated Soil Fumigation Manual and Exam Bank

Training Materials

Project Goal

Soil fumigants are some of the most toxic pesticides on the market. Each one can be fatal by inhalation, and users must be trained and certified to ensure their safety. The primary goal of this project is to replace the 2012 edition of the Soil Fumigation manual and exam item bank created by NASDARF, a former EPA grantee. 

● The purpose of the manual is to prepare pesticide applicators to successfully complete a certification exam in their states, tribes, or territories in the “Soil Fumigation” category. 

● This manual/exam will be available for adoption by states, tribes, and territories to train and assess pesticide applicators who wish to use soil fumigants. 

● Both private and commercial applicators will be required to earn this certification in order to use soil fumigation products after implementation of the 2017 revised Certification & Training Rule (40 CFR Part 171). 

● Examples of soil fumigation uses are 1,3-dichlorpropene (e.g., Telone) and chloropicrin (e.g., Strike). 

The manual will include newly-required competencies under the 2017 revised Certification of Pesticide Applicators Rule (40 CFR Part 171). The development process may include a job analysis, collaborative development of learning objectives, content-development, exam-item testing and refinement, making recommendations for needed visuals, and evaluation/testing with relevant audiences. The National Project Coordinator will foster stakeholder engagement and seek consensus. They will ensure that the latest science and modern safety practices are included. The manual and exam item bank will be developed only in English at this time. 

In keeping with PERC’s policy about the sharing of manuals associated with exams, no copies of the revised manual will be made available digitally by PERC or adopters. The manual and exam bank will be developed exclusively in English. Consistent with PERC’s policy, no digital copies of the manual will be distributed by PERC or its adopters. Once complete, printed copies will be available for purchase.

Team Leaders

National Project Lead: Ronda Hirnyck, University of Idaho

Technical Writers: Sherman Takatori, Agricultural Consultant, and Thia Walker, most recently of the Colorado State University Extension.

Table of Contents (Draft)

The listing below is subject to change once all writing, editing, and reviewing are complete.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Federal laws and regulations
Chapter 3: Labels
Chapter 4: Soil Fumigant Chemical Characteristics
Chapter 5: Personal Protective Equipment and Respirators
Chapter 6: Safety When Using Soil Fumigants
Chapter 7: Site Assessment: Soil Factors and Pests
Chapter 8: Site Assessment: Weather Factors
Chapter 9: Fumigant Management Plan and Post Application Summary
Chapter 10: Buffer Zones and Posting Requirements
Chapter 11: Application Methods and Equipment
Chapter 12: Calculations Used for Soil Fumigation Applications
Chapter 13: Transportation, Storage and Spills
Mock Labels


To be released in 2024.

For More Information

Please direct your questions to Feel free to share with colleagues and peers by forwarding a link to this page. Also, check us out on social media for updates!

Regulatory Guidance

Browse brief guides about protections for workers and handlers, the AEZ, posting, PPE, exemptions, training, respirators, and more, in English and Spanish.

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