Crop Advisors

Your employer (even if that's you) must provide all of the required protections to non-certified crop advisors they employ. Learn more about the applicable certifications for crop advisors here.

If crop-advising tasks are done during pesticide applications or during restricted-entry intervals (REIs), protections and training for handlers must be provided. If crop-advising tasks are done after any REI is over, but within 30 days of the application or the end of the REI, protections and training for workers must be provided.

If the crop advisor is a/an:The entity responsible for WPS compliance is:
Direct employee of an agricultural establishment
(e.g., Blue Sky Farms)
The agricultural employer must provide WPS protections
Employee of a commercial pesticide handling establishment
(e.g., Acme Crop Services)
The commercial pesticide handler employer (CPHE) must provide WPS protections
Self-employed crop advisor (certified or non-certified)
(e.g., Jane Solo Crop Consultant)
The crop advisor must self-provide applicable WPS protections, including pesticide safety training


What are my responsibilities as a crop advisor?

Regulatory Guidance

Browse brief guides about protections for workers and handlers, the AEZ, posting, PPE, exemptions, training, respirators, and more, in English and Spanish.

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