Image Library Submission

Thank you for sharing your images with pesticide safety educators! A few tips before you get started.

  • You must be the photographer, or make the submission on their behalf.
  • If an image contains an identifiable person or place, by submitting images to this library you certify that you have permission and a photo release from those persons/places.
  • Anyone may use your pictures for noncommercial purposes, and only with attribution.
  • Pictures related to pesticides, protective equipment, application methods, and related scenes are highly desirable.
  • Images will be reviewed for content and quality before acceptance into the library
  • For pictures of general scenes and items, state PSEPs should browse Adobe Stock Photos, and request free access/downloads from NPSEC here.

To submit images for consideration as addtions to the PERC Image Library, please follow these steps:

  1. Create a account (free) if you don't already have one. And/or login to Bugwood.
  2. Prepare your images:
    • They must be high-quality JPEG (.jpg) format images of relevent subjects.
    • No other image formats are currently supported, but you can convert other formats to JPEG in a variety of ways, including free online image converters.
  3. Optional, but helpful: Prepare an image description file with basic information about the images you're submitting. The PERC Image Library uses the information submitted in this file to support better search results when trying to find images, and its inclusion will also make the image review processes faster for your submission. If included, it should contain:
    • The filename of each image
    • As detailed a description of the photo in that file as possible.
    The description file can be in a variety of formats, Word (.doc), PDF, plain text(.txt), Excel (.xls), etc. for convenience.
  4. Fill out this form to upload your images. Please note:
    • Be sure to choose "Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative" in the "Partner to notify:" field at the bottom.
    • The "Batch Name:" field should be used to provide PERC with a short general description for a set of related images, e.g. "Photos of handlers applying [product] to [crop]" or a description for our mutual reference, e.g. "25 photos from [your organization]"
    • The "photographer" and "contact" fields are required, the other fields are optional.
    • In this form the "Subject:" is the subject of the photograph, like a pest, a particular crop, or sometimes a general term like "pesticide safety." You can search for subjects to use here.
    • If applicable, the "Host" should be used if the "Subject" is a particular pest, on a certain crop. For example the host could be species of apple if the "Subject" was "fire blight."

Thank you! We will be notified of the submission by the Bugwood system and will review them for inclusion as soon as possible. Please contact us if you have questions about your submission.

Regulatory Guidance

Browse brief guides about protections for workers and handlers, the AEZ, posting, PPE, exemptions, training, respirators, and more, in English and Spanish.

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