Use, as in "to use a pesticide"

CFR §170.305: Use, as in "to use a pesticide" means any of the following:

  1. Pre-application activities, including, but not limited to:
    • Arranging for the application of the pesticide.
    • Mixing and loading the pesticide.
    • Making necessary preparations for the application of the pesticide, including responsibilities related to worker notification, training of workers or handlers, providing decontamination supplies, providing pesticide safety information and pesticide application and hazard information, use and care of personal protective equipment, providing emergency assistance, and heat stress management.
  2. Application of the pesticide.
  3. Post-application activities intended to reduce the risks of illness and injury resulting from handlers' and workers' occupational exposures to pesticide residues during and after the restricted-entry interval, including responsibilities related to worker notification, training of workers or early-entry workers, providing decontamination supplies, providing pesticide safety information and pesticide application and hazard information, use and care of personal protective equipment, providing emergency assistance, and heat stress management.
  4. Other pesticide-related activities, including, but not limited to, transporting or storing pesticides that have been opened, cleaning equipment, and disposing of excess pesticides, spray mix, equipment wash waters, pesticide containers, and other pesticide-containing materials.

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